Every Journalist Noticed The 1 Thing Trump Did Better Than Obama When Boarding Air Force One…

*** Share this if you love what Trump is doing! His actions so far make Obama and other President’s look so weak!!
He doesn’t waste time – not ever. That’s why the liberal media is so scared of him. They can’t double down on an issue and make it into a scandal. If you don’t believe me, look at this CNN article.
Image Source: CNN
Trump is so busy that he doesn’t do the 1 thing that Obama always used to do.
That’s right. Trump doesn’t wave like a goof. However, he does know how to salute.
*** Share this video everywhere if you are glad that we have Trump as President!
He is working so hard and we the people of the United States should show him a little appreciation. Somebody has to. It won’t be the fake news mainstream media. God bless every one of you patriots. Have a wonderful day, y’all!
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Source : libertywritersnews


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