4 Content Marketing Mistakes To Avoid

1.) You Don’t Consider The Power of Visual Content

Your content should include high quality images that capture and maintain the attention of users. Different types of images for your content strategy might include product images, infographics, and slideshows. Quality and quantity are both important factors to consider when incorporating images in your content marketing strategy.
  • Articles with images get 94% more views than articles without images: Jeff Bullas
  • study by the University of Minnesota and 3M Corporation shows that presentations with visual elements were 43% more persuasive than presentations without visuals.
  • Among the 100 highest ranked blogs on the internet, each had at least one image for every 350 words: Blog Pros
  • Publishers who use infographics grow in traffic an average of 12% more than those who don’t: Unbounce

2.) You Don’t Use Compelling Headlines

The headline is the first (and sometimes only) impression your brand has to make on a reader. A good headline gives users a reason to click on your content, by grabbing their attention and keeping it. Clickbait headlines, or headlines that misinform or withhold information from the reader, can do more harm than good for your brand. Facebook recently announced plans to reduce the distribution of clickbait headlines in users’ news feeds, stating that people enjoy seeing authentic stories the most. To avoid driving readers away, avoid spammy headlines and keep it informative of what your content has to offer.
  • 8 out of 10 people will read your headline, but only 2 out of 10 people will read the rest of your article: CopyBlogger
  • Headlines between 81-100 characters will create the most user engagement: Hubspot

3.) You Are Not Tailoring Content To Your Audience

Knowing your audience is crucial in order to create a successful marketing campaign. Content that is valuable and compelling to readers speak directly to their interests or needs. You could create great content, but if it isn’t the right fit for your audience, it will not achieve optimal results. Tailored content will ultimately increase user engagement and drive higher RPMs.
  • 74% of consumers become frustrated when a website’s content has nothing to do with their interests: Janrain & Harris
  • 40% of consumers buy more from retailers that personalize the shopping experience across channels: MyBuys
  • Personalized calls-to-action result in a 42% higher conversion rate than calls-to-action that are the same for all users: Hubspot

4.) You Are Not Optimizing and Testing

It is essential that you are optimizing and testing your content marketing ca


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