Trump's lawyers shut down teen's website over kittens

The internet loves making fun of President Trump. But, one site brought kittens into the mix. At least, it did. The president has had it shut down.

Despite all that work whipping the votes for health care, he somehow managed to find the time to shut down 17-year-old Lucy's That's a site where you control kitten paws to scratch the bronzed face of the president.

"The Observer" says the San Francisco teen was promptly treated to the famously litigious side of Trump, in the form of a cease and desist letter. The letter calls Trump a "well-known businessman" and says things like, "as I'm sure you're aware, the Trump name is internationally known and famous."

That prompted Lucy to change the website's name to, but that wasn't enough for the lawyers. Now the family is deciding on their next move, but the story has increased site traffic from just 3,000 to 50,000 visitors.

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