Sponsored Post: Permanent Cure for Eye Problem - Norland Healthway Vision Capsule and Natural b-carotene capsule (CALL - 08090663711)
EYE PROBLEM SOLUTION - Norland Healthway Vision Capsule and Natural b-carotene capsule
* The combo of Vision Vitale and B-Carotene capsules have been proven to be the best way to improve your eyesight.
* This allows for the regulation of the eye blood pressure.
* Allows for a clear vision
* Helps correct defective eyesight
* It protects the eyes.
* The cells around the eyes are regenerated and rejuvenated.
* Effect is seen within 7 days of using supplement.
* It allows you to see with your eyes without the aid of eye glasses.
* Patients requiring eye adjustment are advised to add the Immune vital... so that the boost the immune system of the body.
Permanent cure for every eye problem
Price - N32,000
Location : All over Nigeria
Call or Whatsapp - 08090663711
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