2019 Polls: Check Out How To Verify Your Voter's Registration Status

As the 2019 general elections draw ever nearer, we bring you ways you can verify your voter's registration status.
The 2019 general elections is less than 184 days away. How prepared are you to perform your civic duty?
The first step to exercising your franchise in the forthcoming polls is to sign up for voters registration at any of the Continuous Voter Registration (CVR) centres close to you in order to be issued a permanent voters card (PVC).
If you are registered but have not yet been issued a PVC, there are a number of ways to verify your registration status as outlined below.
The outlined steps are aimed at verifying if your data was properly captured at the point of registration. They also help to determine eligibility as well as polling units even before elections.
I: You should check for your name during the display of voters’ register.
II: Check the INEC website i.e. www.inecnigeria.org. It is a platform for checking your registration status.
III: You can check by sending a text message to this number, 08171646879.Text Format: State (space) last name (space) last five digits of your VIN. Example: Kogi Unekwu-ojo 54321.
Remember, Voting is your constitutional right.

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