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Shop these Classy and chic items up at a very affordable price and begin your New Year  on Style. We have to look Elegant. Walk that walk with our Lush Heels, Wear that glow with our Chicy Clothes and of course, Feel Flamboyant with our PENG bags. Lol! All at a seasonal price.

Remember! You can also look cute even on a low Budget.
GiuretBoutique is your dream Wardrobe. We're here to serve you better.
So, let the Orders start rolling in.

For  Orders, send us a direct message via Instagram, Call or Whatsapp  A confirmatory message would be sent across in no time. Payment validates Packaging and Deliveries.

GiuretBoutique: What you see is what you get.
Happy New Year

Instagram: @giuretbouque.
Call or whatsapp : 08165926127

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